Ok, I told you I was going to try to get pics of the elusive stomp monster and I DID!(CLICK ON THE IMAGES FOR BEST RESULTS)
Taken from inside my house as I looked out the window at the goings on.
This is her and a neighborhood dog that came to visit one of her hounds who was in heat. She was trying to get the dog to go home so she put her bitch ass self, and her bitch in her car and the dog of course followed.
I would love to get a full frontal shot of this thing called a woman. You cannot imagine how horribly ugly she is from these pics, but you can get an idea. I am almost conviced she is part man, part woman. More man than woman. If I were that ugly, I would be seeing about some plastic surgery, and doing it YESTERDAY! She aint getting any younger.
I am moving out of here this weekend and into next week. I couldn't be happier.
Lilly Cam... LIVE!!
LMMFAOOOOOO @ license plate...hahaha
Someone tell stompy that Halloween is yet a couple days off!!! Scary indeed Lilly. That reminds me, I still need to get pumpkins AND carve 'em. Too bad you didn't get a face shot, I could base my jack-0-lantern on it!!! Good shots, and I am amused by the plates, too. Moving out??? Didn't I say that when it first moved in??? I hope that is meaning that you're moving out for just the weekend and into next week, but either way is good. Please clarify the gory details, inquiring minds wanna know!!!
Holy Damn! It's the STOMP MONSTER!!! Love the plate too! Once you move a safe distance away, you'll need to stop by periodically and snap her picture. If she asks just tell her she has a cult following on the net. :D
I bet she has her some big old feet under that tablecloth!
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