Rant bitch rant bitch rant bitch rant bitch rant bitch
Its what I've become. A ranting bitch. It must be due to all the losses I have had in the past 2 months. One door closes, another opens? The glass is half full? BULLSHIT!!! I say. FUCK ALL YALL should be my new motto.
It seems that I am the only fucking one who knows what the Golden Rule is. Frankly, I'm quite sick of it. When I tell ya I'm gonna do something, I fucking do it, but YOU can do whatever the fuck you want? Do unto others my ass. THAT is what the majority of the people in my life live by. I'm sick of it, sick of them and sick of the entire situation. Wanna know how I REALLY feel? Keep reading...
Another thing that pisses me off is when I think about all the money I've thrown up a wild bulls ass and have seem absolutely NO results. None. Zero. Nothing changed. Everything is exactly the same as it was. I guess it just goes to show that money doesn't solve every problem, and in my case, it didn't even help. It just put me incredibly deep in debt. Great. Exactly what I need.
I am trying to figure out what I need to do to pull myself together. I was thinking about just packing up and leaving in the middle of the night for destinations unknown and start completely over. Looking after only myself for a change. That seems to be the way that everyone around me operates and hell its working just fine for them. Or maybe I will just stay the course, keep looking to replace those things that I lost recently, and see how much I can take? Naw.. I'm done.
Life is just one big mystery, aint it?