Monday, December 31, 2007

Second Life

I vanished into another world last January. It is a world unlike any other. I like it there.
I managed to bring a little of my first life into my second life. (notice the photo of the leaves). I have always adored Aussies, and I have a quite a few Aussie cartoons that I enjoy playing with. The one in the photo is very special to me. Unfortunately, he had to leave second life to deal with a real life sickness. I hope that he can return soon. Shortly after we said hello, back in March, he sung (typed) the entire song "Autumn Leaves" to me I played a piano. This photo from Second Life, to me, is priceless.
Its funny how this game parallels real life, on so many levels. I think that is what amazes me the most about being "in world". I'm simply amazed.
In real life news... Happy New Year.. I got the job!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

April to December

Hi There!
Been so long I forgot I had this muther fucker.
I'll start it up again.
I'm still pissed, but I'll get over it one day.
Thank you for your kind comments and good thoughts.
Stay Tuned..