Reflecting on My Blessings

It has been a pretty weird past couple of weeks for me. Actually a weird past couple of months. I was Laid off from a job I loved after 3.5 years, rode some emotional roller coasters, have been sick, (twice now) without any insurance. Just tryin' to maintain.
Lots of people have it alot worse than I do, and I realize that, but I am determined to keep a good attitude. Sure, when you just want to scream it is sometimes very difficult to NOT scream. Even for me. I do not anger easily, but when I get to a certain point, well, I suppose I'm a normal (halfway) human.
I must say however, that in the face of all this adversity, I have managed to get a total of 4 interviews, keep all my bills paid and on time, and some food in the house. I am not giving up. There are people who are not as fortunate as even I am. I pray for those people.
I have family and friends who love me, hug me, encourage me, spend time with me, and feed me. What more can I ask for? That alone is priceless. There are some things in this life that i firmly believe that you cannot put a price tag on. Its not all about money. I have 2 great sons that I am extremely proud of and are both at this time doing fine. Plus I have those other adorable little guys in my life each week for a few hours.
God has brought me this far. I cannot dwell on all the bad things. If I did, I would be mad, unable to laugh, self absorbed and bitter. Instead I know that when I fled my former life almost 4 years ago, I landed fine. There is absolutely no reason for me to doubt now, that God will somehow forget me. He didn't bring me this far to leave me.
The future, while uncertain, I am sure is filled with good things. I don't know when they will happen, or what they will be, only God knows that. I trust him. In HIS time. not mine. I will be delivered once again. I know this. My life's story is only just NOW beginning. The REAL HORRORS of my past are gone, and I shall never repeat them.
I love you guys. I know there have been times (especially recently) where I may not of been the kind of friend that I usually am, and for that I apologize. I guess I handle my shit a little different, more on the downlow so to speak, and I apologize if I have hurt anyones feelings. I deserve my down time just like every one else. Staying off the computer chatting, actually has been pretty theraputic for me. I have learned to burn CD's and use other prgrams that allow me to make slideshows with all these damn pics I have taken recently, with my music. I also found a CD with all my old pics from when the kids were little and I look forward to making some neat slideshows with those particular pictures.
I have just been trying to get a handle on my life's circumstances and learn new things, and I don't believe any of you expect an apology for that.
You all have encouraged my nonsense, you have gotten "mad" at me, and forgiven me, you have taken the time out of your lives to type things to me that are from your hearts, and I appreciate that more than any of you will ever realize. You guys are a part of my blessings, and I am thankful for you too.
I took this pic back in 1999 during a visit to South Carolina. Had a fun time on that trip. I had never been on a rowboat through a swamp before.