Well, while I was out having a good time last weekend, the Stomp Monster moved in next door. I wish I was able to get a pic of the REAL stomp monster, but shes's pretty elusive. Only coming in and out after dark. I guess if I were a stomp monster I'd hide during the day too.
After 4.5 peaceful years here, I am now dealing with a 300 lb stomp monster and her 2 or 3 not sure how many dogs. Dogs that have actually been agressive towards me and my visitors. They bark like hell at everything, and she does nothing to try to quiet them down. One looks like an aketia chow mix, I hear one is a weiner dog, but i've not seen that one. Word is there is a 3rd dog somewhere.. prolly another akita chow mix...
The stomp monster washes approximately 8 loads of clothes a day and into the night. I would like to know how many fucking clothes a stomp monster owns. If anyone knows, please enlighten me. Just another noise the stomp monster makes.
It sure is scary living next to the stomp monster. Especially this close to halloween. She has managed to bring the witch out in me, and if she doesn't watch it, I'll put something on her that ajax cant take of.. and her little dogs too. Its not easy living next to the stomp monster. God, grant me the strength to battle this monster.
More as it develops. I will try to get a pic of IT.